Thursday 29 August 2024

Makes Perfect Sense ................from Rico

 It makes perfect sense that the talentless Communist fucktoys in the media and foggy bottom are happy to $upport the equally talentless Communist fucktoy Kamalala* (and her equally talentless Communist fucktoy Walz by extension).

*The only black DNA in Kamala was from Willie Brown.

1 comment:

Ken Mitchell said...

Jamaica was a British controlled sugar plantation, and most of the laborers were African slaves. Then in on 28th August 1833, Britain abolished slavery, and all the former slaves became free employees. Add 200 years of intermarriage. Donald Harris is descended from those black freedmen and a scattering of white English and Irish plantation owners or employees. Harris is something less than pure African; there was at least one Irish plantation owner who diddled with one of his "employees", and it would take a better genealogist than I to figure out precisely WHAT proportion of his ancestry is African.