Monday 11 December 2023

20% far..............from Rico

 Think about the operative words "so far" ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 20% dead in NZ headline is misleading as the data is far too raw to make that claim. Such a huge number would be obvious within the workforce but while deaths are worryingly evident in the young(ish) the numbers are not so high the sensationalist headline is helpful. Good people are gathering data and presenting it properly but its hard to get traction - our media were largely a propaganda arm of the previous govt.
One group highlighted were all very old people so likely to have died within a couple of years anyway. Notwithstanding that, the excess deaths at around 15% and much worse figure for long term disability following vaccine roll out cannot be denied (except by the govt and a large chunk of the medical profession). It was an embarrassing episode in our history but sorted leaders from followers.