The Leftards never factor in unintended consequences.
- I include those two "master legislators" [in their own minds, but everyone else just thought of a 'different' word that ended with "bators"] Nancee and Schmuckie.
Consider for one moment what they may have enables Trump to 'do' while they drank in Puerto Rico and 'resisted' funding the Wall...resulting in the longest government shutdown (25 days and counting) evah!
- Federal guidelines have existed for quite some time that allow a Federal job that has been vacant/vacated for 30 days to be considered 'permanently vacated' and that job eliminated.
In just five more days, Trump could literally pull the drain-plug on the 'swamp' and reduce the Federal workforce by 25%. This would be a YUGE down-sizing of the bureaucracy.
- Considering that all these employees were classified as "non-essential" by their own Federal agencies, this strikes me as a "right-sizing" that is waaay overdue.
Anyone want to bet that as soon as someone sobers the Democrats up and tells them they screwed-the-pooch again, they run over to the Oval Office with a $6 billion dollar 'no strings' check to hand to Trump?
Oh boy, is this great!

1 comment:
Except you surely know by now that some 9th Circus "judge" would declare such an action illegal. And good ol' Johnny Roberts would concur in the 5-4 decision by the Supremes. Ruthie would vote by blinking her eyes. One blink would be no. A rapid eye flutter, even if caused by Parkinsons, would be yes.
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