Saturday 15 September 2018

Emily Ratajkowski Braless in See-Through Top Hailing a Cab in New York City


This woman's pert little tits are just poking out, and she was hanging out at a nightclub all night like that?

I'd be dead by now, lol.

Here, "Emily Ratajkowski Busts Out Bare Tummy and Braless Tits in See-Through Number While Hailing a Taxi in New York (PHOTOS)."

She's still got those nice perky tits, heh.

Katie Holmes Big Tits at an Event

She's still looking fabulous to me.

See, "Katie Holmes Big Tits at an Event Looking Old."

Hurricane Florence- Snowflakes Melting...........from Rico

The weather fetishists and MSM scaremongers breathlessly were touting that Hurricane Florence would drop "10 trillion gallons of rain on North Carolina alone!"

- What utter bullshit!


That's NOT rain, you silly dipshits. That's "snowflakes melting" because Trump did this [see attached].

- Their hoped-for 'Trump's Katrina' fail and death & destruction for millions of innocent Americans to pursue their Lefturd anti-Trump agenda did not come to fruition. Again.


Russia, Porny Daniels, Hurricane nauseum, blah-blah-fucking-blah!

- Have you figured it out yet? These people are not your friends, and they do NOT want what is best for you or America.

Declassify FISA..........from Rico

Spectacular Samanta Lily Plus-Size Model in Lingerie (PHOTOS)

She's a plus-sized glamour model, and I'm taking PLUS!

See, "Samanta Lily Busts Out Himalayan Size Mountains of Jugs in Bra and Panties."

More ginormous topless jugs photos here (NSFW).

Friday 14 September 2018

New Ginormous Photos of Sophie Mudd's Humongous Milk Balloons


 She's got the biggest tits on the tightest pert little body, woot!

Here, "Spectacular New Photos of Sophie Mudd's Unbelievably Large Milk Balloons."

Her breasts will make you happy, lol.

Cartoon Round Up....

That's quite enough, Democrats.........from Rico

After how many bazillion pages of documents (well, more than any other SCOTUS nominee has ever provided), 65 one-on-one meetings between Kavanaugh and Senators (including Diane Feinstein, D-CA), 30 hours of testimony before the Senate (2,000 questions), and 25 years of public service...only just now, at the last minute before a confirmation vote putting Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS, this?

- You have GOT to be shitting us! It beggars belief.


Diane Feinstein (D-CA) suddenly, out of the blue, produces an unspecified allegation from an unidentified source, concerning something from Kavanaugh's High School days? (Bwa-hahahaha...look at anyone's HS days, including yours, DiFi).

- A purely partisan political bit of not just sabotage, but character assassination?

- A purely partisan political bit of fresh, steaming BS?


Nawww. Say it ain't so, Democrats!

- Not after your genius Porny Daniels 'play' [think: stripper, porn star, escort] which worked so very well for you. Are you really that fucking dumb? Are you really that full of shit?


Hey DiFi, Schmuckie & crew, if America wants any more shit out of you we'll squeeze your heads!

- That's quite enough, Democrats.


Oh. The 2018 mid-terms elections are in less than 60 days now.

- This will be remembered.

Amber Rose Pokes Her Humongous Milk Jugs in Tight Sheer Lace Lingerie

Holy cow!

See, "Amber Rose Boosts Spectacular Big Breasts in Sheer Lace Lingerie."

She's actually really hot, dang!

Her gigantic milk cannons are absolutely unbelievable!

Thursday 13 September 2018

H/T Doverthere

H/T Liz B

Yoohoo! Oh Leftards! You called down the thunder.............from Rico

I am 'deplorable' and you Leftards are sadly mistaken about me.

- You have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit about you.

- You have mistaken me for someone who will take any shit from you.


You have all proven beyond doubt or debate that you are liars, cheats, and untrustworthy crap-weasels of the lowest order.

- Why should I 'listen' to one.single.thing you tell me I should think when I am perfectly capable of thinking for myself?


I now completely ignore, and have no use for, and/or no longer use:

- Democrats, the MSM, Netflix, Hollywood, Google, Facebook (or any social media) and all SJW's.


You have no 'power' over me, and I will cede you no power over me. None.

- I am a free American, and a proud deplorable, so just piss off! [read: You have pissed me off!]




PS - You called down the thunder!


Gun Control Hot Sauce..........from Rico

This is my 'new' favorite Hot Sauce!

- Take a look. No further explanation needed.

Cartoon Round Up....

Hillary - Unprosecuted Criminal item #410.........from Rico

Hillary cannot help herself, she 'swims' in a cesspit of criminality where everything she touches or gets involved in turns to it wasn't already shitty.


Here's yet one more example:

Criminal violation of Federal Campaign Finance Law


Felonia von Pantsuit moved almost one million dollars ($800,000) of money from her 2016 Campaign to ANTIFA.

- Yes, you read that right.


I guess Comey & Co. were too busy looking at non-campaign related crimes from decades ago (that mayor may not have ever happened) by anyone who had spoken to Trump to actually 'notice' yet another crime actually committed by the Clinton Crime Family, much less investigate or prosecute.

Bless you Bolton..........from Rico

I've always liked and admired John Bolton.

- What a night-and-day CHANGE from that weasel Susan Rice, not to mention a FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION (see what I did there, Commies?).


This is not only one of the numerous benefits of Hillary losing the 'rigged' election she was supposed to 'win'...but it's also one of the best picks for Team Trump and America I can imagine.

- A dream come true.


This segues neatly into another 'dream'...

H/T Doverthere

Sunday 9 September 2018

Big Breasts, Taught Nipples Rita Ora in See-Through Black Gown

She's the freakin' best, dang!

Here, "Rita Ora Big Nipples, Big Tits in See-Through Black Lace Gown (PHOTOS)."

Don't miss more Rita Ora total topless and the Sunday big breast "steplinks" of the day."

Retardacus............from Rico

I honestly thought mocking Corey Booker (D) as "Shartacus" was pretty funny, but now we have this:




Democrats (C) the gift  that keeps on giving!

It's elemental...........from Rico

No my dear Watson, it's not 'elementary' but 'elemental'...


Consider this periodic table of the elements marked by which nation discovered the element.

- Now consider: Which nations/populations are currently under 'attack' and having their cultures and gene pools diluted under the false flags of 'diversity' and 'cultural enrichment?'


Why? For what purpose?

Cartoon Round Up....