Saturday 25 August 2018

Why isn't ObamaCare gone yet..........from Rico

I have long maintained that if the "establishment" aka TPTB (both Dem's and RINO's) actually wantedthings to be different than they are, they would be different than they are.

- Things are not 'different' [read: better] because that is NOT what the "establishment" wants.


Case in point:

Q: Why is that steaming pile of legislative shit aka ObamaCare still in existence?

A: Because "they" want it...what you want does not matter one bit. just as much as its namesake.

- I mean that in both the literal and figurative sense.


Repeal it 100%

72 Virginians are waiting.........from Rico

He wasn't called "song bird" for no good reason by his fellow POW's.

- 72 Virginians are waiting to kick his ass...

A Culture OF Decay..........from Rico

The Democratic party today has descended into the mouth of madness.

- I see no reason for any sentient life form to vote for them in 2018.

- Or in 2020.


While many have argued that the US is "a culture IN decay" I beg to differ.

- It is "progressivism" aka Democrats that are "a culture OF decay."


H/T Doverthere

Assholes Remain Assholes......from Rico

These people are farkin' mad. Insane.

- What assholes...

Hawaii Prepares for the Hurricane...

H/T Doverthere

Friday 24 August 2018

Ashley Greene in See-Through Black Tank Top

She's nice.

See, "Smokin' Ashley Greene Braless in See-Through Black Tank Top."

Hat Tip: Popoholic: "Daily Addictions – Weekend Edition."

BONUS: at Hollywood Tuna, "Huge Busty Jessica Simpson (and Her Massive Milk Howitzers) is Still the Queen."

Cartoon Round Up....

Everything SHE touches is corrupted..........from Rico

I'm sure it is merely a coincidence that long-time Hillary Clinton pal, and attorney, Lanny Davis somehow wound up defending (or I'd suggest 'coaching') Michael Cohen.

- Just one more attempted drive-by shooting by the Clinton Crime Family directed at Trump?


Absolutely everything SHE comes into contact with is rotten, corrupted...or killed.

- She is evil incarnate.


And she's not yet in jail!

AntiFa Defined.........from Rico

I could NOT have said it better than the creator of this AntiFa meme did. This is perfect...

Please allow me to introduce to you..........from Rico

Socialism, please allow me to introduce to you Reality.


Res Ipsa Loquitor...


US 2018 mid-terms are less than 80 days ahead.

Mass Murder...........from Rico

This is a bigger mass murder than Las Vegas, but there are no cries to "ban illegals" like there were to "ban guns"...why?

- Eight years of Obama x 5,000 dead US citizens per year = 40,000 dead Americans.

- Two more years of Democrat and RINO obstruction, makes that another 10,000 dead Americans.


Why no outcry from Democrats?

- Compare a body-count of 50,000 against the several million illegals who voted Democrat in 2016 and you'll understand exactly why.


"Open borders, no wall, no USA at all" and "impeach Trump" is the Democrat campaign strategy and battle cry for 2018.

- They want to Party like it's Venezuela!


When you VOTE in 2018, ask yourself when was the last time Democrats 'stood' up for Americans?

Now what?........from Rico

The "rigged" primary against Bernie failed.


The "rigged" coronation of Hillary failed.


The "rigged" Russian Collusion 'firewall' failed.


The "rigged" DOJ-Mueller 'investigation' failed.


Now what?

- Now that the "rigged" coup has failed?

True Friendship Amongst Golfing Buddies:

This guy brings his best golf buddy home, unannounced, for dinner at 6:30, after enjoying a day of golf.  They arrive at the house and his wife screams her head off while his friend sits open mouthed and listens to the tirade.

"My hair and makeup are not done, the house is a f****** mess, and the dishes aren't done.  I’m completely exhausted!  I didn’t get enough sleep last night.  Can't you see I'm still in my f****** pajamas??  I can't be bothered with cooking tonight!

Why the f*** did you bring him home without letting me know ahead of time, you stupid idiot?"

“Because he’s thinking of getting married...

H/T Doverthere

One Law for 'them' Another Law for 'everyone else'........from Rico

Shit like this is exactly why Trump handed the establishment's collective ass to them in 2016.

- Two sets of Laws: One for the 'Elites' and another for the 'Deplorables'...


Let's take a trip down Campaign Finance Law Violations today, one that the MSM is taking great care to avoid.


The Obama campaign was fined by the FEC for the largest amount in US history, $375,000 for campaign finance violations. But there was no jail time, and almost no press coverage. Why?

- Because it's OK when Barry's people actually did more than what Cohen was alleged to have done. 


Hillary's campaign moved $150,000 in campaign funds to an LLC for Hillary's personal benefit, and her campaign illegally 'laundered $84,000,000. But there was no fine, no jail time, and no press coverage. Why?

- Because it's OK when Hillary's people did far more than what Cohen is allegedto have done.


Now let's talk about Cohen. I use the term alleged above, because "there's no 'there' there" (to use Peter Strzok's happy turn of phrase) and Mueller handed the case off to the SDNY because there was no Russian collusion.


Cohen's "plea deal" includes an SDNY fabricated count for "campaign finance violation" that the FEC does not support or agree with. Why?

- Because when you are guilty of association with Trump, you are 'guilty' in the court of "Progressive Leftist Opinion" even if you never go to trial for adjudication by a court.

- And when you are 'represented' by the Clinton's personal mob lawyer...Lanny Davis (name ring a bell?)...that's akin to handing Al Capone a baseball bat as a party favor at dinner.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

H/T Doverthere

Wife is like..........from Rico



Wife is like hand grenade...

H/T Lenmar

Selena Gomez Busting Out Massive Cleavage in Tiny Bikini

See the photos here, "Selena Gomez Busting Out Her Massive Cleavage Like Bananas in a Tiny Bikini … WOW!"

You would do this little Mexican tart in a second!

Great titties!

Jennifer Garner Breasts

She was in the news this week, "Jennifer Garner on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (VIDEO)."

But with the news, I had to dig up some smokin' side boob nipple shots of the woman, who is among the hottest in Hollywood.

And dang, Ben Affleck's bailing out on his wife with a Playboy centerfold hottie Shauna Sexton! See total nude pictorial of Playboy Playmate Shuana Sexton, who is luscious and pert, dang!

Socialism did this for Venezuela........from Rico

The Democrats have gone full-on Socialist, and this should be considered when US voters go to the polls in the 2018 mid-term elections in just a few months.

- Socialism did this for oil-rich Venezuela, and Socialism can easily do this for America. Ignore the words of the political bullshit artists, this IS what Democrats want for America too.


It's been done before elsewhere, and it will be done again...but try to keep it elsewhere America, OK? 

The Left's Inferiority Explains Their Furious Anger..........from Rico

Fair disclosure: I harvested the attached "Silent Sam" from Mr. Townsend's estimable blog "Free North Carolina" because it so neatly captures the very essence of a personal theory of mine.


Why is the Left so angry and violent?

- Because somewhere, inside them, lurks the realization that they are inferior specimens, lacking in intellect, cowardly, and having neither a sense of honor or responsibility.


So they hate, and try to destroy or tear-down anything and everything that reminds them of their deficiencies.

- And they do this because it is easier for the stupid to demolish rather than to build, and it is easier to be against something than it is to be for everything positive and civilized about humanity.


The Left will do whatever they can to avoid looking into the mirror and seeing their own impotence, depravity, and failure.

- Like wounded beasts, they are dangerous to others and need to be taken seriously...and some of them 'put down' out of mercy.

Good point......

H/Ts 45 Govt & Liz B

Cartoon Round Up....