
Friday, 28 December 2018

Term Limits...........from Rico

If most of these CONgress-critters had not somehow managed to 'win' (or cheat/bullshit their way into public office) election, you just know that they'd be 'stretched' as greeters at your local Walmart while students seeking GED's at the local Community College. America is NOT sending its best and brightest to CONgress.

- Look at them. Perfect, irrefutable, arguments for term limits...


Mark Matis said...

Exept these swill are from hives, or from Preferred Species districts where the replacements would be every bit as putrid. Get real.

Anonymous said...

Just think, if their districts/states had voters with a modicum of common sense instead of blatant self interest voting - most of us would never have even heard of these professional politicians.

Anonymous said...

term limits wouldn't fix everything but it's a good start. along with term limits end the retirement packages they get. let them get real jobs for that.