Ignorance is NOT bliss, it just makes you an easy victim.
- Victim for whom? For Socialists and their not-very-social radical social-engineering plans.
Look at the very first attachment below and understand that today's Leftists/Socialists are perfectly fine with sending anyone they do not approve of, because they don't agree with them, to the proverbial "showers."
- It is not a novel, or new, concept for Socialists. Think it cannot happen where you live? Better think again.
Long before Hitler's "concentration camps" (remember he was a Socialist, too), Lenin's Socialists established what most refer to as the Gulag's [think: Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archibeligo"] which ran from 1923 to 1961 and entertained ~1.7 million people the Soviets did not approve of, because they didn't agree with them.
Lesser-known was the Red Chinese "Big Circle" or Laogai system, which ran from 1950-1994 and hosted ~2 million people the Socialists did not approve of, because they didn't agree with them.
After the Fall of Saigon in 1975 up to 1992, the Vietnamese Socialists put ~300,000 people they did not approve of into re-education camps, because they didn't agree with them.
- For brevity, we'll note the Cambodian Khmer Rouge Socialists skipped the formalities of 're-education camps' and from 1975 to 1979 just murdered ~2 million people (about 25% of the total population) they did not approve of, because they didn't agree with them.
Which segues neatly, almost full-circle, to Obama's mentor aka "just some guy in the neighborhood" Socialist bomber Bill Ayers, who in 2008 opined that roughly 25 million Americans he and his fellow Socialists did not approve of, because they didn't agree with them, would have to be sent to "re-education camps" for elimination.
Of course, every time, including today "it's for your own good" and the benefit of the "greater good" aka Socialism.
What you don't know can and will kill you.
They are not "socialists". They are instead "communists". Call them for the damnable swill that they are. Every one of them.
True-what you don't know can kill you....
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