
Friday 11 May 2018

Dumping Barry's Malignant Legacy..................from Rico

Trump and his deplorables are clearing-away the Kudzu of Obama's malignant "progressive" legacy at a faster rate than anyone dreamed would possible.
- It took many years to 'advance' Barry WhatIShisrealname to the point where he had eight years to ravage the Republic and wipe his ass with the Consitution.
In breath-taking speed (at least to slow-walking and slower thinking career politicians it is) consider just some of what has been accomplished so far...Obama policies dumped by Trump:
- Trans Pacific Trade Deal
- Paris Climate Agreement
- Tax Reform
- Iran Nuclear Deal
+ Plus, as a bonus, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem after 70 years of all previous Presidents stalling, hemming & hawing, and not doing what they said they would do.


pkerot said...

When are we going to find out where Barry was really born?

pkerot said...

When are we going to find out where Barry was really born?