Friday 15 December 2017

Cartoon Round Up....

The FBI, Still Man-pretty after all these years........................from Rico

It wasn't talked about back then, because Democrats (C) and Social Justice Warriors had not elevated the practice of transvestism from perversion to laudable lifestyle choice, but the first Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, was a flaming cross-dresser. A closet transvestite.
- Yes, frilly frocks and make-up. 
It explains a lot when thinking about the FBI leadership today.
- They haven't been called "feebies" for no good reason all this time. WilliamBanzai7 neatly captures the 'manly essence' of these jokers.


The Left Calls THIS "Winning".......................from Rico

Alabama is just the most recent demonstration that Socialism is like Herpes, it's sometimes latent but always there. Like political cockroaches.
- Delusional ideas result in distorted perceptions = Leftards explained.
This is how THEY define "winning":
America's Democrat Leftards resorted to ma$$ive infusions of ca$h, false allegations that were tried by the media instead of due process, racial demagogery, registering felons to vote combined with yuge voter fraud efforts, and helped by McConnell and fellow RINO's stabbing a Republican in the back (you know the career establishment politicians were NOT the Judge's friend, because they stab their friends in the chest).


H/T Doverthere

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Alabama: Establishment Uniparty 'wins' while voters 'lose'....................from Rico

- Those trustworthy fabricators of the 'news' at AP have called the race for Senator for Jones of the Democrat (Communist) wing of the Uniparty (Establishment) without counting military votes. Thus, (much like Cronkite declaring the Tet Offensive to be a 'loss' instead of the 'win' it was for the RVN) handing a PR 'loss' instead of a 'win' to the Republican (Trump) candidate who is not a member of the Republican (Socialist) wing of the Uniparty (Establishment).
The attached identifies the 'problem' for the voters.
- Democrats vs Republicans is a gross fallacy and misnomer, but an intentional one. Both are different 'wings' of the establishment Uniparty, one is just further Left than the other, while both are now Left of being right.
- Democrats are the Communist-wing of the Uniparty, funded by $oro$ and his ilk and representing them.
- Republicans are the Socialist-wing of the Uniparty, funded by the Chamber of Commerce and their ilk and representing them.
- Both wings of the Uniparty are open borders globalists who represent themselves being in power over the best interests of the voters, because clearly they as the self-identified 'betters' know what's best for the dummies that bother to vote...after all, voters 'fell for' the big con, there being NO Democrat vs. Republican anymore ONLY the "establishment" and the Uniparty.
This way every election is "heads we win, tails you lose" for the voters...much like the miracle six-in-a-row coin tosses Hillary 'won' in the fake Democratic Primary.
- Today is just another example of the Uniparty's "we win, you lose" fraud.

My Life............

H/T Doverthere


H/T Doverthere

The Grand Tour: Season 2 Episode 2 Trailer

Cartoon Round Up....

Peace through bearing arms......................from Rico

Being armed (and using them) has worked awfully well in dealing with the religion of the perpetually offended, and it should work when dealing with "progressive" snowflakes shooting-off their pc-mouths, too.
Am armed society is a polite society, as muggers, car-jackers, and home-invaders are discovering.

Kevin Nealon Confronted By Racist Colorado Ski Trails.................


Connections..................from Rico

I still vividly recall the series by James Burke from 1978 called "Connections" was, in a word, brilliant.
Thanks to the regressive "progressives" what we saw in 2016 were the 'connections' of Crooked was, and still is, pathologically vile and criminally corrupt beyond imagining. There simply are not enough words for it.
Indict, try, convict, and imprison this corruptocrat and everyone that was 'with' Her.
Hillary for Prison 2018
- If that sounds 'harsh' let me say BENGHAZI and suggest trial for murder and treason. HMF can be the first woman hung in the 21st century!


The Lynching of Roy Moore - Wild Bill

The snakes of the Republican Party have reached a new low, destroying their own candidate because he is a man of moral standards.....Bill says its time to fight the unholy Democrat/Republican alliance in DC.

Battle of The Sanctuary Cities - Wild Bill

Should President Trump send in the National Guard into sanctuary cities to enforce the law? Bill has some thoughts.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Et Tu Fox....................from Rico

Having just made reference to Fox's 'poll' reflecting Moore (T) trailing his Communist (D) opponent by ten points in Alabama's special Senate election today, I thought it worth mentioning that:
- FOX is owned by Rupert Murdoch.
- Murdoch is a fanboy of Yeb Bush and Valerie Jarrett [read: establishment GOPe, aka Republican (D), RINO.)
- FOX is one of "the SIX" who control the MSM.
Not that FOX let their mask 'slip' and revealed their agenda-driven anti-Trump bias via a FAKE POLL at the last minute to sway an election, or anything like that.
Et Tu assholes.
No one should be surprised.
- The politicians of BOTH parties D (C) and R (D) and their MSM kept-whores are more loyal to "the system" than they are to those who voted for them. They are only 'loyal' to themselves and "the system."
- And they all HATE TRUMP, because they seek power for their own gain, not for the benefit of the people they seek to have power over.

Paper beating Rock. Again.................from Rico

More "gaming the markets" again today.
- Just another 'reminder' that if you don't hold it, you don't own it.
No, it's NOT because it's "the Virgin of Guadalupe Day" or "Hanukkah"....or even Bitcoin.
- It's none of those.
It IS Day One of the monthly two-day FOMC financial Kabuki play put on by the felons at the FED.
- And, of course, it's 'time' for the usual suspects to knee-cap precious metals by dumping yuge amounts of unbacked paper [read: naked shorts] on the, COMEX to drive the physical spot price where they want it to go.
Oh, yeah, it has nothing to do with 'options expiry' Friday either.
- Run along now and invest in Bitcoin so the Norks* can have something to 'hack' when not launching rockets.
*North Korea (DPRK) has a state-sponsored hacking effort against Bitcoin as I type this. They aren't the only ones...

H/T Doverthere

H/T Liz B

Go 'Bama! Roll tide!.................from Rico

Today is Tuesday in Alabama.
- We will 'see' by the close of the voting booths today whether Fox News with their last 'poll' saying the Communist (D) candidate has a ten-point lead over Roy Moore, Republican (T) candidate, in the Senate special election there or not. [read: the voters will have the final word, not the fake news leftist MSM]
In other fake, but could be true, news: Gloria Allred (doesn't THAT name just say it all?) the Far-left "activist attorney" is said to be in 'contact' with Ms. Kopechne by an unidentified source to dispute that no one ever drowned in Roy Moore's car. [h/t iOTW Report].

H/T Liz B

Cartoon Round Up....

Don't feed the bears.......................from Rico

SNAP [a catchy 'new' name for Food Stamps, which remains "food stamps" in everything BUT name now] purchases concentrate on...wait for it...soda pop and junk food. Not rice and beans.
- Gee, who woulda guessed that?
Don't feed the bears, but feed the dependency class crappy food.
- Can you imagine the outcry from the tree-huggers, PETA, et al IF we fed the bears that kinda crap? [read: carbonated high fructose corn syrup drinks, and salty highly-processed faux-food] Which is never going to happen, since bears can't vote for their own welfare benefits...neither early, nor often, much less vote Democrat.
- But it's apparently OK for the dependency class that has been created, as long as they register to vote for their EBT cards.

And the purpose of GOGI is what exactly?........................from Rico

Programmers and computer nerds are familiar with GIGO
...Garbage In = Garbage Out...and what it means.
The Lefty fake news MSM complex is being led this week by CNN, and is making everyone familiar with a new term GOGI...Garbage Out = Garbage In...whereby they fill the empty heads of their gullible and naive followers with "progressive" programming.
CNN has really been working overtime at shoveling pure shit lately, explaining Reagan's observation about "liberals" knowing so much that just isn't so.
- The advertising lede "This is CNN" has been recast to "Is that true, or did you hear it on CNN?"
They don't call it "programming" for no reason, you know.
- If the truth shall set us free, then give some thought to what the purpose and goal of the incessant, witting, willful, and voluntary lies and fake news is.

Monday 11 December 2017


H/T Doverthere

1968 Dodge Charger RTR - Jay Leno's Garage

Fresh from SEMA, Johan Eriksson brings his 1968 Dodge Charger RTR with a Viper V10 and twin turbos, producing 1000 horsepower!

Cartoon Round Up....

...because SOCIALISM.......................from Rico

Do you hear us yet DNC, Bernie, self-identified "smarter than everyone else" progressives?

Sunday 10 December 2017

More WINNING.......................from Rico

For how many years [read: YEARS] did that asshole Barry call ISIS a JV team that was on the ropes?
- Too many.
Of course, enabling, funding, and arming them while talking smack to the American public wasn't a very good plan to defeat ISIS either, was it, Barack Hussein?
Along comes Trump, who says "here, hold my beer Barry" and in less than a YEAR those ISIS assholes are history.
- Proving that killing terrorists actually works better than 'jobs for jihadis'...