
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Slavery, Child Rape, Acid Attacks – What Happened To Great Britain?................from Daniel Thomas

Three news stories from the Sceptred Isle demonstrate how far Great Britain has been degraded from the global superpower that brought civilisation and development to twenty-three percent of the world’s population and administered twenty-four percent of the world’s landmass down to something resembling the backward, undeveloped territories they first encountered.

Although the British Empire took just over two centuries to reach its zenith, it took British civilisation some five thousand years to develop from Stonehenge c.4000BC to the Bill of Rights in 1689 through to Universal Suffrage in 1918.

In addition, at great cost in blood and treasure and with the help of its allies, Great Britain fought and won two great wars for civilisation against enemies so debased that had they prevailed they would have set back civilisation centuries.
It would be foolish to deny that during the course of British ascendancy mistakes were made as was the case with all empires but on balance the contribution of the British to civilisation around the world far outweighs the negatives.

During this evolution of civilisation abolitionist William Wilberforce and his fellow campaigners fought a twenty year battle to abolish slavery culminating in the Abolition of Slavery Act in 1833. Wilberforce and his friends were unashamedly Christian and let it be known that their crusade was guided by religion, morality and education.

By design rather than accident of history so-called ‘progressives’ have driven these virtues from public life as part of the managed decline of the country and as a consequence Great Britain has seen the return of slavery to every major town and city. Likewise the grooming and gang rape of underage white girls by racist gangs of Muslim men and acid attacks on unsuspecting members of the public have entered the public domain.

Read the article here

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