Minneapolis, Minnesota has "CHANGEd" (see what I did there?).
When I was a young student at the University of Minnesota, I lived in a fleabag (but cheap, and clean) apartment just one block off-campus.
- A walk across the street past the Triangle Bar and I was in the University Library. It was a great location.
The neighborhood was called Cedar-Riverside, and then while poor and run down, it was completely safe and hassle-free.
- That was then.
Now the area is known as "Little Mogadishu" and is almost a 'no go' zone.
- It is night-from-day away from safe and hassle-free.
The long-failed state known as Somalia has sent their best and brightest to Cedar-Riverside after being 'invited.'
- The very same people that made Somalia a "failed state" are now making Cedar-Riverside a "failed neighborhood."
Liberalism IS a mental disorder.
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