
Friday 10 February 2017

Tomorrow's Fossils Today.......................from Rico

Look at these two.
- Is that really Harry Pelosi and Nancy Reid?
I'm seeing VERY little difference between them.
- America is seeing VERY little difference between them.
The donk's have been getting 'clocked' and having their 'bell's rung' in election after election because the voters are increasingly fed up with them representing their own per$onal intere$ts and pushing their unwanted radical Alinskyite agenda and NOT representing the voters...we the people trnslates into "you the peasants" in their lingo.
- Slow learners that they are, they busily obstruct Trump while doing everything possible to NOT have a smooth and peaceful transition of power. [read: undermining America]
Now the GOPe [establishment RINOCRATS] are visibly doing the very same thing...representing everything and anyone other than the voters...we the people translates into "you the peasants" in their lingo.
- Slow learners that they are, they are doing everything possible to look exactly like Democrats while stalling tax cuts, pushing for a carbon tax, and delaying the repeal of ObamaCare. [read: undermining America]
The establishment Dem's (C) will continue to lose support as they veer further to the radical Left and go full-retard.
- No one is going to vote for them if they don't change their ways. They have been replaced.
The establishment GOPe (D) will continue to lose support as they slipstream the donk's and begin to go full-retard.
- No one is going to vote for them if they don't change their ways. They can be replaced.
America might emulate Singapore and do quite well with only one party...but instead of the defacto UniParty pretending to be two parties consisting of Democrat's (C) and RINO's(D) might be something more like the "T" party that replaces them both de jure.
- Talk about 'clocks getting cleaned' and 'bells being rung' ...the Politisaurs are digging their own political graves while ensuring their own political mass extinction.
          They will be tomorrow's political fossils.

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