
Monday 9 January 2017

New Crime Wave, by Peary Brown

The most recent depiction of several physicians from John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md. that the third leading cause of death in the general American population is the medical health care system itself. As difficult as that is to comprehend the evidence of this fact can be found through out the system, by diligence to not only details in medical records, but also scrutiny and examinations of interviews with honest medical personnel who have first hand knowledge of those activities that would be unknown to the victim, as well as family members. Like many known epidemics of cultural demographics the harmful activities of the medical industries eventually cross all class boundaries, although senator John McCain would be less likely to be neglected by a physician like Javier Andrade than say a Queens County bus driver. The system is prejudicial which the following account makes clear. McCain would not be treated the same way, because he is somebody important and has a basement stacked high with gold. So the Golden Rule will apply here; those with the gold make up the rules. Enter Joan Rivers, the epidemic will cross the line.

In April of 2008 Cleveland Mark Mitchell was brought into the emergency room at the University of Texas Medical Branch Hospital in Galveston, Texas by his wife Cilla Mitchell who at the time was a nurse. He was 8 days post operative umbilical hernia repair with primary symptoms of abdominal pain and dysuria, AKA difficulty and painful voiding. At the time of the emergency room admission Mr. Mitchell was initially seen by then resident Javier Andrade who introduced himself as a medical doctor and was accompanied by a group of students. At no time did he identify himself as a resident. Residents are generally personnel recently graduated from medical school who have minimal clinical experience. If there was an attending physician, there was no record of that.

Mr. Mitchell was treated with 2mg of intravenous morphine 17 1/2 hrs before his death from a vascular stroke and renal failure. Renal failure was not established before admission to the non intensive care floor. No laboratory exams or radio-logical studies were done prior to admission to the medical unit. Examination of the emergency record was blank, no nurse follow up after the administration of morphine. No physician documented exam, because there was a 30 second palpitation exam, that is it. He was left in the emergency room for that long period and died when nothing was done in advance to prevent this death. Mr. Mitchell was not a complicated case, no long medical history, a type 2 diabetic with hypertension at 57 years old. Umbilical hernia repair maybe considered a minor surgical procedure, at the same time there can be serious complications. The standard of normal routine care was non existent.

The hospital administration answered with everything was done to prevent this death, and an investigation would shore up future cases to prevent this from happening again. Cilla Mitchell never heard from the administration about that declaration.

Cleveland Mark Mitchell was one of the many victims that become a statistical number of the medical cartel and local courts. Tort reform in Texas has reduced medical malpractices by nearly half since its implication in 2003. That would be trumpeted on the civil side, the criminal events and evidence is never mentioned. Like who would ever consider a physician, or in this case a medical resident, or even a hospital culpable in criminal activity? How does this case not fit the statute of neglect able homicide and or felony endangerment? You are in a new crime wave in America. So few are aware.

People of Texas, of the United States you are doomed from the inside of the health care system. Your government is helping the medical cartel cover their errors. The term 'errors' represent a mistake. Many events are now occurring on a regular basis to our citizens, and the kindness defining these events as errors is blatant arrogance and cruelty.

This Video could be you, it could be your young Johnny, but certainly not John McCain.

H/T Cilla


  1. Anonymous17:10

    This is an activity that until recently has gone vacant in the eyes of law enforcement. The intent doesn't equate criminally as few would do this on purpose, its the silence and intentional record alteration that when and if discovered is considered simply unethical, its criminal when somebody is injured.Thanks for this post and this very interesting page.

  2. Anonymous17:40

    Once when remodeling a bathroom I cut the floor vinyl 6" too short on one side of the toilet. I had to patch in a piece. Simple human error. I will never do it again because I made that mistake once. Trivial comparison? No exact comparison. This doctor is a better doctor today than he would have been without that mistake. Should the patient have died? Of course not but should any patient die? And yet they do and typically with the best health care available. Patients die, humans make errors. The fault, such as there was one was with the patient and his nurse wife. I can assure you that for two to three days the discussion at home was "you need to go in something is not right" followed by "I don't want to go in let's see if it gets better". THEN once they decided it was an emergency he should have called his surgeon AND his doctor.

    1. True, but in this case yoive got hours & hours to make the decisions equal to xhat you suggest. An experienced medical person would claim that people die during treatment, however, dying without treatment isn't a mistake, its neglect.
