
Friday 27 January 2017

More Winning-Sr Mgmt Team FIRED...................from Rico

The entire State Dept senior management team has been FIRED.*
- While many of them belong in jail, none of them belong in a functional State Department. These human cockroaches needed to be gotten rid of in order to have a proper cleaning and disinfection.
Small wonder Kerry, Hillary and Madelaine Albright "fit in" so well at State.....
*Some of the MSM aka Fake News outlet are incorrectly reporting the story as a "mass resignation" protesting Trump by these Obama loyalists, and being 'spun' that it could cripple the State Dept because of the sudden loss of so much "institutional memory."
Horsesh*t. They won't remember anything if ever called to account for their malfeasance, and needed to be kicked-aside to drain that particularly slimy part of the swamp. 

1 comment:

  1. **The entire State Dept senior management team**
    Actually only 4 out of a more than a dozen, but what a Great start!!
