
Monday 16 January 2017

More "fake news" from the Minisitry of Truth...................from Rico

It would be easy to conclude that the American MSM wouldn't know the truth, even if the truth was the Marine Band playing a Souza ditty marching up it's collective ass,...but that would be letting them off the hook too easily.
- The MSM knows the truth, but they choose to LIE anyway. (Something they have in common with Barry, Hillary, and the DNC btw.)
The "Washington Post" (WaPo) has done it again! Not content with being covered in, glory for it's breaking the "fake news" Russian hacking story it as plumbed new depths of fakeness by choosing to falsely report on the "extremely unusual timing and firing" of the General commanding the Washington DC National Guard.
More "fake news."
The Washington DC National Guard General who was supposedly fired by Trump effective the moment of his inauguration wasn't really fired as the WaPo said he was.
- The General himself chose to QUIT and chose WHEN to quit.
- The WaPo story was intended to frighten its readership, make Trump look incompetent, scary, and bad, ......and create an alt left version of 'reality' instead of telling the short THEY LIED. 
The MSM continues to demonstrate that they 'took' Orwell's "1984" as a guide and not a dystopian cautionary by wittingly. willingly, and voluntarily choosing to become The Ministry of Truth.

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