
Wednesday 18 January 2017

Brexit Plan Revealed - Free At Last But Leave The Champagne On Ice................from Daniel Thomas

The British public who voted on June 23rd to take back their sovereignty and become the independent country millions gave their lives to protect have waited seven long months for their Prime Minister, Theresa May, to emerge from her self-imposed purdah and lay forth her plan for leaving the European Union (EU).

Why it took seven months will remain a mystery since during that time immense damage has been done to the Brexit cause by the enemies of freedom and democracy.

As a supposedly experienced politician Theresa May should have known that the global elite and their votaries in the British political class are dedicated to the point of fanaticism to the European Union project;  they will never ever give up their dream of replacing the independent nation states of Europe with a single centrally controlled superstate.
As is the case with the presidential election in the USA, the global elite have refused to accept the result of the Brexit referendum.  They are using every device at their disposal including legal obstacles to obstruct, delay and ultimately sabotage Great Britain’s exit from the corrupt and disintegrating EU.

Read the article here

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