Saturday 11 June 2016

Patriotic Golf Anyone?...from TPC

Playing Golf This Weekend?
That’s Fantastic But What About Playing A Round With Us On July 18th? 
That’s The Date Heroes To Heroes Foundation Will Be Holding Its Sixth Annual Golf Outing In Eastchester, New York!
Where is Eastchester? About 4 miles from New Rochelle!
Get all of the details at The Political Commentator here.

Cartoon Round Up....

A German Leader Has Destroyed Europe For The Third Time................From Daniel Thomas

The assertion that politicians never learn any lessons from past experience or historical precedent is particularly appropriate when studying the rise and imminent fall of German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

For third time in a century Europe has been destroyed by an all powerful German leader with designs on a Jew free, German dominated continent from the Atlantic in the west to the Ural mountains in the east.

Both Kaiser Wilhelm and Adolf Hitler tapped into the German propensity for conquest and in the case of Hitler and Merkel, the German people elected leaders who possessed a ruthless desire to control other countries by 'fair' means or foul.

Armed with this knowledge, the malign designs of Merkel should have been spotted by political observers and the so-called expert historians when she first became prominent on the German political scene and began her inexorable rise to power. The current crisis engulfing the nation states of Europe could have been avoided if they were as good as they claim to be.

Real students of history, as opposed to agenda driven advocates, will note that this failure has parallels with the political establishment of the day ignoring Winston Churchill's warnings about the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich and their re-armament of Germany.

Then, as now, spineless politicians chose appeasement and allowed Hitler to occupy independent countries with disastrous consequences for the whole of Europe and the world.

Read the article here

Friday 10 June 2016

Huge Lindsey Pelas Busting Her Bazongas in a Bikini

Holy cow!

Those things are huge!

Here, "Huge Lindsey Pelas in a Bikini."

That bikini can barely contain those melons. Man.

Celebrate Kate Upton's Birthday

She's 24-years-old. Still fabulous.

She doesn't get photographed topless very often, which is a shame.

But you can see Kate Upton in her birthday suit here, "Kate Upton's Birthday."

She's fresh, natural, and bodacious.


The Right Guy - Wild Bill

When every Washington crook, Islamist, Illegal and thug hate your have found the right guy!

Cartoon Round Up....

Whore Today, Gone Tomorrow

USA Jews: Detached From Reality... And Israel Too................from Dan Friedman

[From renowned Middle East scholar Martin Kramer. One of the few men in the business with a fair-minded view of Israel and the Arab Israeli conflict. df]
Martin Kramer on the Middle East

The Death of Free Speech in Europe.....................

Across Europe, cartoonists, artists and writers are forced to live under police protection, and also often face criminal prosecution -- all for the "crime" of offending Islam. "'Respect' means, for them, submission." It starts with censoring cartoons...

Socialism Strikes Again - Bankrupt EU Is Planning To Seize Private Wealth..............from Daniel Thomas

Arrogant politicians are so full of themselves they refuse to listen to anyone or learn any lessons from past experience or historical precedent. This is particularly true of socialists whose minds are closed to anything outside their failed, poverty inducing ideology.

The Far-Left President of France, Francois Hollande, campaigned on a socialist ticket and was warned at the time that his policies would cause capital flight and an exodus of France's wealth creating talent which would eventually bankrupt the economy.

He refused to listen and went ahead regardless. He increased taxes to penal levels, extended and increased welfare entitlements and imposed a raft of other socialist policies in order to address those old worn out socialist goals of inequality and social justice.

And so it came to pass as predicted - the government taxed, borrowed and spent the French economy into oblivion, consequently condemning into poverty and misery the very people he was supposed to save.

President Hollande has declared a 'state of economic emergency' which is a spin doctor's way of saying 'bankrupt' without actually uttering the dreaded word. His solution is of mind-numbing stupidity and typical of an ideologue who is incapable of thinking beyond his ideology. He plans to pay employers to employ laid off workers but doesn't say where the money is coming from.

Read the article here

Thursday 9 June 2016

This Is Not A Test! ADL Lobbies Against Anti-BDS Laws.........................from Dan Friedman

[When we look back on the Obama era, maybe some Jews will finally realize just how close we came to a Jew-hating, anti-Zionist despot ruling over the “promised land” of America. Frankly, I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet. But not to worry. Our Creator in His infinite wisdom has bestowed upon us a heavy counterweight. As USA Jews heap shame (and ruin) upon themselves up and down this country, Jews in Israel are filling the breach with growing Jewish power and pride. And it’s in Zion where the future of the Jews –and Western Civilization – is destined to be decided. df]
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein issued the following statement:

Cartoon Round Up....

Pro-Mexico Judge v Trump - Enemies Of A Free America Join The Attack................from Daniel Thomas

When Republican presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, questioned the decisions and impartiality of Judge Gonzalo Curiel in the lawsuit against the Trump University, his enemies both outside and inside the Republican party spotted a potential opportunity to mount yet another campaign to end his candidacy.

When Trump mentioned the Judge's ethnicity they pounced with all guns blazing using their co-conspirators in the bought-and-paid-for media to turn a minor observation into a major overblown scandal that continues to occupy the news cycle.

To the independent observer it was plainly obvious that this was a coordinated campaign to smear Trump as a racist and a bigot with a view to wrecking his campaign thus damaging his prospects in the general election. In the calculating minds of the establishment this would justify his replacement with their own candidate at a contested convention.

To say that Donald Trump has enemies in the American ruling establishment would be an understatement. More importantly he has bigger enemies in the UN-based global political establishment on behalf of whom the domestic establishment and their media operate.

The UN-based political establishment has an agenda which the domestic political establishment is in place to impose. This includes open borders, amnesty for illegals, free movement of people, global government, redistribution of global wealth etc.etc.

Donald Trump's campaign to 'make America great again' is the antithesis of what the the global elite are trying to achieve. Candidate Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America was designed to do the exact opposite of making America great by downgrading the country and ultimately removing from power the Judeo-Christian people who were instrumental in making America great in the first place.

If, as President Obama and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton claim, that America is already great, why did it need to be fundamentally transformed?

Read the article here

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Take a 360˚ Virtual Reality Drive with Jay Leno in a 1954 Jaguar XK120! - Jay Leno's Garage

Jump in the seat next to Jay Leno for an exciting ride in his 1954 Jaguar!

Cartoon Round Up....


New York Times 1996: “Our First Lady… is a Congenital Liar”

Palestinians: The Fatah Mess

State Dept. Says It Would Need 75 Years to Release Clinton Emails

TWA 800: The Great Untold Story of Our Time

Laureate gave Bill Clinton $16.5 million; also gave student loans to non-citizens

In Search of Iranian Moderates

Unimaginable Horrors: The War-Crimes Lawyer Hunting Syrian War Criminals

US Senate Votes to Keep Stealth Bomber Cost Top-Secret

Liberating Our Jerusalem

Oil just did something it hasn't done for nearly 11 months

Blue Angels jet, Fat Albert fly fallen aviator home

Bern, Baby, Bern

H/T Doverthere


We've seen a lot of books from White House insiders about how unpleasant Hillary Clinton is to her staff and the Secret Service. But a new book takes the wackiness to A WHOLE 'NOTHER LEVEL.

Tuesday 7 June 2016


Death By Sex - Wild Bill

America's obsession with sex is literally killing people.
Perhaps its time for common sense to make a return.

New York Times: Hillary Lies Circa 1996 (Video)...from TPC

Did you know that Hillary Clinton has had a problem with the truth throughout her career?

Of course for most of us the answer would be an emphatic yes!

But in the event you may have forgotten, the video, list and essay by William Safire from back in 1996 will serve as a stark reminder!

Cartoon Round Up....

Room to Maneuver: Israel Hedging Its Bets on The USA........................from Dan Friedman

[I've often argued that the American Jewish establishment (now veering sharply to the Left) will ultimately be the loser as it estranges itself from the prevailing political/spiritual trends in Israel. Here's another clear sign of that as Prime Minister Netanyahu beefs up his relations with Putin and Russia to offset Obama's leverage against the Jewish state, or against the possibility of another hostile leader succeeding him in the White House. df]
Israeli PM heads to Kremlin for fourth meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin; extended trip to last for 2 and a half days.
By Ari Soffer

Snoop Wants to Smoke Roots #BlackOut by AlfonZo Rachel

In 2016 the race baiting still going. Surprisingly The release of the new Roots movie is rubbing Snoop Dogg the wrong way. He's tired of movies keeping us in the past. Is he starting to get the picture? Could there be hope for #BLM getting it, and people who hashtag BlackOutDay? Here more in the Zo Loft

Sunday 5 June 2016

Hot Brit Kelly Brook Super Chesty While Out In London

New photos.

This hot.

Here, "Busty Kelly Brook in London."

Don't miss the topless bonus at the link.

Do Hillary's Coughing Fits Suggest A Serious Medical Condition? (Video)...from TPC

It has been suggested that Hillary's coughing is due to the fact that she's choking on her own bullshit or that perhaps she was hit by a severe case of Lyingitis!

But do her coughing fits and apparent swollen ankles that she manages to keep hidden by a wardrobe consisting solely of pantsuits, suggest something far more serious?

Read and watch at The Political Commentator here.

Cartoon Round Up....

The Sunday Best.................

Iran’s chess board

Trump's Most Bitter Enemies

Brazilian Smuggling Ring Helped Middle Eastern Illegals From Terror Hotbeds Cross Southern Border

China Suspected in Hack of Tiananmen Anniversary

The French Appetite for Appeasement

Cop Stops Traffic To Save Stranded Kitten

Polygamy: Europe's Hidden Statistic

and finally..........

Let's go sailing

FUBAR: Another Obama Debacle...................from Dan Friedman

[You know it must be serious when Katie Couric’s liberal news outlet carries this story, df]

Sizzling! Kendall and Kylie Strip Down to Model Their New Bikini Line

Very nice.

Kendall is especially hot in my book, lol.

Here, "Tasty Treats: Kendall and Kylie Jenner Strip Down to Model Their New Bikini Line."

Innocent tasty treats taking it off.