
Monday 19 December 2016

Those Crazy Russian Hackers...................from Rico

To clarify the MSM spin on the "Russian hackers" fairytale: (1) NO the Russians did NOT hack into the US election;
(2) YES they tried to hack into the RNC, but failed because the RNC took cyber-security seriously;
(3) YES, everyone and God's French cousin hacked into Hilary's private not-secure server, because like all "progressives" she confused thinking about it/talking about it with doing something about it and had no cyber-security.
BUT, those crazy Russians did hack into the MSM so very subtly, cleverly, and stealthily that ONLY "progressives" are able to see it.
- The attached "Dear Abby" newspaper specimen makes the case.
Who but a Marxist-Alinskyite would catch the minor 'slip' in the reference to Hillary "make bad ballerina" I ask you?

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