
Wednesday 28 December 2016

Cultural Marxists v President Trump - Let Battle Commence.............from Daniel Thomas

I'll begin this article on a note of optimism that the main weapon in the armory of the Cultural Marxists i.e political correctness, has met its match with the election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States of America.

One of the unexpected, and enjoyable, benefits of his election has been watching heads explode among the liberal/socialist/progressive community as they have a collective mental breakdown. Their hysterical reaction to President Trump is proof positive that he was the right choice for the much abused silent majority in America.

The vast majority of people in America and the western countries are too busy earning a living and trying to survive the malign attentions of the Cultural Marxists to study the history of Gramsci and the political correctness revolution and how they usurped power. (An easy to read article on the subject here)

Read the article here

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