
Thursday 29 December 2016

Barack Obama - A Nasty Piece Of Work Or Just A Standard Progressive?.............from Daniel Thomas

Watching President Obama doing his utmost to scorch the earth and make life as difficult as possible for the incoming Trump administration he gives the impression of a nasty piece of work displaying a petulant, vindictive attitude typical of a sore loser.

If that were the case then his backstabbing of Israel and the Jewish people could be dismissed as such and President Obama could be safely dispatched to the dustbin of history along with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and that other visceral Jew hater, Jimmy Carter.

Unfortunately it's not that simple. This global political class, of which the aforementioned are fully fledged members, are so dedicated to their cause everything they do from speech content to body language are the result of a cold political calculation.

The Obama administration sponsored UN resolution condemning Israel for building houses in their own capital city is the result of the anti-Israel agenda and Jew hatred that is one of the central tenets of left wing ideology as followed by the so called 'progressive' left.

Read the article here

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