
Sunday 27 November 2016

Fidel Castro Pops His Clogs - Now He's A Good Commie.............from Daniel Thomas

As Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro, changes his status from earth bound blood-soaked tyrant to hell bound unmourned cadaver, only members of the western global elite and their useful idiots appear to be sad at his passing. All it needs now is for the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury to put in a good word and he can truly be absolved of his crimes to rest in eternal peace.

This was an ideal opportunity for western leaders and the UN /EU axis to condemn Castro and all his works along with all the other blood soaked tyrants and human rights abusers that still infest the planet murdering and oppressing millions of people who bravely oppose their tyranny.

For the supposed leader of the free world, President Obama was less than forthcoming with any criticism of Castro's appalling human rights record while the socialist President of France, Francoise Hollande, was positively glowing at the tyrants contribution to history.

Equally glowing was the far left leader of Great Britain's once noble Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, who reduced his hero's penchant for incarceration, torture and murder of tens of thousands of innocent Cubans to excusable 'flaws'.

Jeremy Corbyn, and fellow members of the Labour movement,hailed their hero's abolition of inequality, the creation of a national health service and improved literacy standards as Castro's signature achievement's; they failed to mention however the torture chambers, show trials or the firing squads he used to impose his will.

Read the article here

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