Inflation? What inflation?
- There is no inflation...just ask the FED and the USG which say inflation is UNDER 2%, and so far under that the annual COLA (cost of living adjustment meant to compensate people drawing Social Security, active duty and retired military members, and federal employees) for FY 2017 is a comical, and mathematically insignificant, 0.2%. Two-tenths of a percent? Bowsha moi!!!
- But feel free to "believe as you're told" by these financial shmendricks.
Those of us who don't have "staff" or "servants" to buy groceries for us know with certainty, and from hard experience at checkout, that prices have indeed gone UP and that much of what is sold today has been reduced in weight, quantity, and/or quality to hide greatly higher prices were packages not half-empty and filled with air to further conceal the price inflation our besserwissers insist we do not have.
But this? This? If this is so, then this is simply too much, and the charade has gone too far over the line to be acceptable.
- I'm talking about our much-beloved annual Girl Scout cookies!
Who does NOT love Girl Scout cookies and Girl Scouts? [Hands-off and stay outta this Joe Biden, you serial groper!]
I'm told by reliable sources (which do NOT include any MSM rascals and scalliwags) that while the cost of a box of these cookies remains at $3...the cookies are half the size of last year's cookies, some are thinner (and more fragile), and they don't taste the same (the shortbread cookies taste like dog treats, not shortbread).
- Talk about "hiding" price inflation in plain sight!
Nope. No inflation to see here, now move along folks.....
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