
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Brussels Massacre - Remember "It's Nothing To Do With Islam"..................from Daniel Thomas

As the civilized world looks helplessly on as yet another Muslim atrocity claims the lives of innocent people while going about their daily lives, the political class will go into their standard, well practiced charade of issuing platitudes of faux outrage then doing nothing to protect the people they have sworn to keep safe.

Political leaders will hurriedly arrange emergency sessions of their various security committees but the outcomes will be depressingly the same; they will dust off the usual soundbites and slogans, make promises to take drastic action they know they will not fulfill then do absolutely nothing to deal with the radical Muslims they invited into our midst.

It was the same charade after the Muslim atrocities in the Ottowa Parliament, the Lindt Cafe in Sydney, Australia, the Boston Marathon, Chattanooga, San Bernadino, the Madrid Train bombing, the 7/7 London Transport bombings, Charlie Hebdo, the Paris massacre etc.etc. ad nauseum.

Read the article here


  1. Mark Matis16:49

    There is ONE politician who is not spouting the "Religion of Peace" meme...

  2. As i keep saying "Would'nt the world be a so much nicer place to live without Islam".

  3. Maybe appeasement will stop a war, you know, just like it always does.

  4. Putting aside the rhetoric of the US primary elections and UK referendum, I am not seeing any politician willing to take the drastic steps that are necessary to stop the Islamification of the west or to defeat ISIS.
