Saturday 26 December 2015

The slow climb...from TPC

Is the Feds move to raise interest rates going to proceed too slowly? This former chief economist thinks that may be the case!

Cartoon Round Up....

Theo's Christmas Fundraiser.....................

Anyone wishing to throw some change into the Christmas Box, please don't hesitate. As usual all kind donations are gratefully received and much appreciated.

Friday 25 December 2015

Is ISIS Planning A Giant July 4th BBQ?...from TPC

Someone stole 43 propane tanks from two industrial sites in Philadelphia. I think I have figured out the reason why…

Cartoon Round Up....

Boot Campaign Santa Boots 2015...............

Jewish State or Police State?.................from Dan Friedman

[Come to Israel: Where fascism and socialism live side-by-side in perfect harmony.
Bear in mind as you read this hysterical rant from Israel's secret police that after weeks of solitary confinement and torture the Shin Bet has not produced an ounce of evidence against these "suspected" young Jewish terrorists. If they had, the Shabak would have charged them by now. But who knows? A few more turns of the screw and they might eventually break these religious teenagers and finally get their man.
Remember too, that with Netanyahu, Yaalon and Jewish Home's (not a joke) Bennett onboard, this is now official Israeli government policy and these so-called right-wing politicians own this brutality. Too bad for the kids. Because that means the rationale to continue this cruelty becomes even more compelling. Making this not so much an investigation, but going forward, an operation to save Shin Bet's ass.
So much for Israel's precious demokracy. Guilty until proven innocent! Time to remember the Altalena, its antecedents and its legacy. Dear Jabotinsky, why did you leave us so soon? df], 12/24/2015       
Intelligence agency: Claims by fanatical detainees of torture are baseless, aimed at distracting from their acts.

Merry Endangered Christmas - Wild Bill

Christmas reminds us of the Savior who died for mankind.
But some would like to eliminate it!

Good God! There's So Much Evil in the World!! | AlfonZo Rachel

Cancer, poverty, Cappuccino potato chips... there's so much evil in the World. So how did God allow that? He didn't; Adam and Eve did!

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Britney Spears Wardrobe Malfunction Reveals Spectacular Body in Las Vegas

Here, "Britney Spears Racy Performance in Sin City."

Plus, extra sextastic shots of Britney at the link. She's a longtime looker.

Smokin' Katie Cassidy Flashes in Skimpy Bikini in Miami Beach


Here, "Bikini-clad Katie Cassidy turns heads as she hits the beach in Miami."

Death of the Lads Mags? FHM and Zoo Magazines to 'Suspend' Publication

They've consistently featured some of the hottest babes around, so it's not great news.

But what can you do?

Here, "FHM and Zoo Magazines to 'Suspend' Publication."

Eva Adams

She's lovely. (Nice tits especially.)

Here, "Eva Adams Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Casting Call (VIDEO)."

Reputation Management: A Political Lesson To Be Learned!...from TPC

When it comes to reputation management the first name that comes to mind today is Chipotle for its handling of an E. coli outbreak!

Many feel that, to quote Donald Trump, in this regard the company has been a 'disaster'!

What lesson can be learned by all of us, particularly our elected officials, about the trifecta of words integrity, reputation and trust?

Read more in an article at LI, 'Reputation, Integrity And Trust: Hard To Earn, Easy To Lose!'.

Cartoon Round Up....


Sandy berger's pants, revisited .... a poem from 2006 .... just in case hillary thought i forgot ....

ISIS Seeking Improvised Anti-Aircraft Missile

The Scorching of California

Scientists Who Are Actually Really Stupid: #1, Neil deGrasse Tyson

The United States and Islam: What Is Going On?

Who Should Certify Competence?

Blind Salvation Army bell ringer roughed up on break

Why Palestinians Love Baby-Killers

USA Liberal Jews Have Israeli Blood on Their Hands.........................from Dan Friedman

[“Never again,” or let’s do it again? American liberal Jews  - and their leftwing Jew-baiting allies - will not have their way as they had during the Holocaust. But it won’t be from lack of trying. Jewish history has changed since then and the Jews have a powerful army and millions of patriotic Jews in the Diaspora who will fight alongside them. df]
"Their purpose is solely to defame the soldiers of the IDF and the State of Israel around the world."

Hillary Goes Full Luftwaffe......................from Rico

When not lying about videos, or everything else for that matter, one of her many past lies that I found particularly offensive and egregious was the one about her trying to join the Marines.
- Puh-lease!
That one whopper, stand-alone, cemented her place in the all time liars hall of fame.
Not content with that, she is presently attempting to become the #1 elected asshole in the US.
- And she just 'might' make it, if enough fraud and falsehoods are put into play (something HMF - Her Marxist Filthiness excels at).
So, rejected by the Marines, Hillary goes full Luftwaffe (and full retard).

A Trip Down Memory Lame

Polite Right Freaking Out Over Trump & Cruz!..........................from Dan Friedman

NB: The term “neocon” is one I find useful to describe crypto-liberals who try to pass as conservatives. Nation-building and spreading democracy to Arabia are two of the neocons’ hallmarks – and two of their utter failures. In my lexicon it is a synonym for RHINO and in no way, shape or form does it point to Jews, as it’s sometime done by anti-Semites.

[Send a few ambulances to the Wall Street Journal’s HQ pronto! And don’t forget the strait jackets. The sky is falling on Bret Stephens and the WSJ, and they are flipping out. They see the end of their neocon world crumbling before their eyes! They must still have visions of sugar plums and Jed Bush dancing in their heads. I don’t know how many times I’ve told Stephens and Henninger not to drink at the Christmas party before they sit down to write their columns. They never listen. Pathetic, really. df]
We want a president we can loathe all of the time—not support some of the time.

The 'ultimate' barn find..........................from Rico

I always liked the little "Jeep" could go almost anywhere and do almost anything. And it was nimble...unlike the HummVee monstrosities that later replaced it (which ISIS runs circles around in their mini-Toyota trucks, btw).
- Almost a metaphor for what the US military WAS compared to now IS. That was from a time when weapons were manufactured for fighting wars, before wars were manufactured for selling weapons, but I digress..........
This would be THE ultimate 'barn find' in my opinion.........

Donald Trump's Hillary Clinton 'Schlonged’ Comments Are Hilarious

But leftists are freakin' out.

See, "Donald Trump Hilariously Reports That Barack Obama 'Schlonged' Hillary Clinton in 2008 Election (VIDEO)."

Police Shut Down Nude Photo Exhibition Because Surprisingly Hot Women Too 'Indecent’ for Public Display

Well, you have to admit the chicks are pretty hot --- and it's supposed to be an artistic photography exhibition, heh.

Here, "Police Shut Down Mathilde Grafström Nude Photography Exhibition."

Polls May Actually Underestimate Donald Trump's Support

I've been saying this for awhile.

And now this, "Report: Public Opinion Polls Probably Underestimate Donald Trump's Popular Support."

Tuesday 22 December 2015

NewsBusted 12/22/15................

Cartoon Round Up....


Black lives matter, *** , white lives, well, not so very much at all ....

ISIS Sets Its Sights on the East

ISIS Selling Yazidi Women and Children in Turkey

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense

The Decline of Modern Germany

CAIR's 'Deputy Hamas' Teaches Radical Mosque to Use Guns

Lying About Gitmo

Clueless president says America is changing for the better

One More Year of Obama, the President Out of Sync with America

Chinese Military Using Blinding Laser Weapons

Hitler vs. Obama And A Complicit Mainstream Media!...from TPC

Is history repeating itself as it always seems to do? 

While the actions of Barack Obama in no way correlate to the horrors perpetrated by Hitler, the wanton disregard of the facts by the mainstream media seems somewhat similar!

Read the article at The Political Commentator here.

Morality. Religion. Mencken.............................from Rico

Old Mencken had the essence of it.
Morality and Religion are like Justice and Law, too often mutually exclusive terms and concepts.....

Come and take it.........................from Rico

After blowing $70+ million taxpayer dollars on his latest Hawaiian vacation (and possibly blowing Mooch aka Michael as well), the #1 Sh*thead in the world plans to use his pen to turn Constitutional rights into his personal idea of a rainbow-colored unicorn fart national gun-free zone.
Remember that other 'good idea' called "Prohibition?"
- That worked out just as well as "gun-free" zones have proven to.
I don't think many people will stand for any more ridiculous and illegal "diktats" from Barry

Zo Answers the Age Old Question of Why God Allows Evil.................

Atheists say they believe in 'science,' but are unwilling to accept scientific human causes for the evils they use to argue against God...huh? Zo explains!

Monday 21 December 2015

Yuliya Lasmovich Red Hot Lingerie Photo Shoot

She's got a spectacular rack, and she's all done up in busty red for the holidays.

Here, "Ginormous Ruby Red Yuliya Lasmovich Lingerie Shoot."

Recession 2016? The evidence says...from TPC

Question about consumer spending:

In 2016 will falling crude prices finally provide the much awaited for benefit to the consumer that will translate into spending and result in a boost to the US economy (a de facto tax cut)?

Or, is the declining price of crude more than simply a supply/demand issue and actually a harbinger of a recession to come?

Read the article at LI here.

1942 Dodge Power Wagon Restomod - Jay Leno's Garage

This WC63 will amaze you! Legacy Classic Trucks' Winslow Bent takes Jay through the derelict troop transport he modded into a true, 8,000-pound 6x6 which will go and go and go forever.

Cartoon Round Up....

2A Fever - Nugent.........................from Rico

I have been a 'fan' of Ted Nugent (the Motor City Madman) ever since I heard his interview with with a French journalist.
- Musically, his "Cat Scratch Fever" never did anything for me. His NO BS and NO PC approach to reality sure does, however.
The French journalist-boy had an obvious agenda (anti-hunting, anti-gun, and I heart Disney's Bambi), and asked Ted: "What does the poor deer 'think' when you blow it's head off?"
Ted answered: "They don't think like that. All they 'think' is 'when was the last time I ate' and 'when was the last time I had sex' and 'can I run away fast enough'....they are much like the French that way."
The interview ended then.
Now we can add "this" to the Nugent legend.

What difference does it make?..........................from Rico

Good question, actually.
Q: What IS the difference between Barry at work in DC and Barry on vacation in Hawaii (apart from the extra $70+ million in taxpayer dollars for the vacation)?
A: The location of the golf course.
Aloha belowpar, Barry.
And, coming from the nearest water closet, one can almost 'hear' the voice of cankles saying "what difference does it make?" over the flushing sound.

Jews Terrorizing Jews.....................from Dan Friedman

[In parts of Israel’s internal security system you’ll still find apparatchiks who haven’t figured out who the enemy is yet. These are throwbacks to the European totalitarian socialists who founded the Jewish state. Most have found a home in the “Jewish section” of the shadowy Shabak and they believe the culprit is Judaism and its imperative to settle the land of Israel. These devoutly secular elements target Israel’s young people in Judea and Samaria – you know, the ones with tsitsit and crocheted skull caps on their heads. Then the state’s goons create a false flag “crime” against the Arabs and round up some young “extremists” to pin it on. Anyone will do as long they fit the description. By now this scenario is boringly routine.
After they’ve rounded up the usual suspects, the pressure’s on Shabak to get a “confession” using the carte blanche that Netanyahu & Co. has bestowed upon them. Yes, I said Netanyahu, because he or his defense minister (Yaalon) has to sign the order to torture the Jews before the fun can begin. No brutality without official authorization. Surely, a shining example of due process and Israel’s precious democracy!
Tipped off by friends in Israel, I’ve been watching this travesty for a number of years, and there is usually one thing missing from the legal proceedings that ensue – a conviction. In other cases, the charges are simply dropped, but not before the alleged are found guilty in Israel’s self-hating leftist media. The very same media that hypes the “crime” in the front pages, but then completely ignores any outcome that exonerates the “Jewish terrorists.” Talk about incitement.
Now that the door has been blown open on this scandal, isn’t it about time for it to be exposed to the light of day? Perhaps a little sunshine focused on this shande might make it a thing of Israel’s Judaism-hating past. I have in mind Jewish stalwarts like Caroline Glick, Ruthie Blume and Martin Sherman, et al. These right-thinking writers, and others of equal stature in Israel and America, have a megaphone. Now it’s past time they used it to do the right thing. df], December 19th, 2015

U VOTESsssssssssssssss​s EAT U LASsssssssssst..........................from Rico

The Hillary campaign is funding the DNC.
- Let that sink in for a moment.
Hillary Rotten Clinton OWNS the DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. This explains much of the chatter about the DNC 'shielding' Hillary from debates, not advertising debates, and 'hiding' debates during times they won't be watched. Bernie Sanders was 'on' to something being fishy before most were.
- Yes, HRC (the woman who is for sale at any price) has effectively 'bought' not only the Democratic Party (C) but clearly thinks she can BUY the US Presidency.
Why would she do that?
- Because she is not electable in an honest contest, and 'honest' is one word that has never been remotely associated with HMF (Her Marxist Filthiness)....and because the people that OWN her think they can get away with it.