
Tuesday, 3 November 2015

WHO do you trust?...................from Rico

Americans have already surrendered most of their freedoms for false promises of safety and security, but so far they have not been dumb enough to roll-over for the endless "progressive" demands, supported by fake arguments, for gun control.
- Maybe the people who didn't bother to ask "change exactly what?" or "forward to where?" are still able to question whether "gun control" isn't actually for "control of something else" control over them?
In the US, Pew Research reports that the 1993 gun homicide rate of 7 per 100,000 has dropped to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2013.
In Mexico, the US Embassy warns Americans not to even carry pocket knives because of strict weapons laws.
So, as the candidates 'run' their rigged race to be M3 Barry's (Marxist-Muslim-Metrosexual) replacement, how many of them or the poodle media will say:
1. Harsh gun restrictions in Mexico have NOT prevented a yuge rise in the gun murder rate their. (And, NO, because Chicago is the poster child for "progressive" gun control, it will never be mentioned.)
2. Increased gun ownership in the US has NOT led to a surge in murder rates, which have dropped by nearly HALF over the past twenty years.
It distills down to this: Who do you trust?
- Surely NOT Doofus or Ruthless?

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