Thursday 15 October 2015

Illinois is out of money.....................from Rico

Illinois is out of cash. Out of money. Broke.
- Now.
We're no longer just talking about Democratic-controlled cities like Detroit going belly up...we're now talking states.
- Democratic-controlled states.
The poster child for Democratic corruption, cronyism, nepotism....the "pay to play" state has been run into the ground.
- Illinois is toast. Other states are right behind them
Bond payments will continue to be made, and made on time, so the big boys will still get paid for owning state debt.
- For now.
But, as usual when push comes to shove with government, the little guy gets screwed. In this case retirees whose $560 million in November pension payments will not be made.
- Pensions are being delayed.
Tells you all you need know about priorities right there.

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