Thursday 15 October 2015

Debate?..........................from Rico

I heard there was a Communist Party (D) debate on TV last night.
- I guess they called it a debate because "let's see who can promise to give away the most taxpayer-funded free sh*t" was a trifle long.
No, I did not watch it, or even think about watching it. Why waste time listening to people who occupy a fantasy world of unicorns and rainbow farts?
- Besides, in a one party state the very idea of 'debate' is pointless.
Obviously the NYT hasn't the vaguest clue. They have an article today telling their half-dozen readers that Hillary was the winner and has re-established Democrats (C) trust in her. Blah-blah-blah.
- Not to be outdone on the stupidity scale, NBC's Chuck Todd also said Clinton won and it "wasn't even close."
This defies even CNN's (Communist News Network) polling.
- Fancy that.
About the ONLY thing to come out of the 'debate' was the open declaration that the donks are "socialist" and "progressive"....a topic they tap danced around in the past, as if most hadn't already figured this out for themselves.

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