
Tuesday, 20 October 2015

An ObamaCare Success Story.....................from Rico

Not to be confused with the "crazy lunch lady's" school lunch menu [yeah, I mean YOU Moochelle] ObamaCare is proving to be NO carrot and ALL stick.
The IRS collected $1.5 billion in non-compliance 'penalties' for tax year 2014.
- The penalties, and the numbers, will be even more for tax year 2015.
- The stick will be larger, and hit much harder, for tax year 2016.
An idea so GOOD it had to be made MANDATORY.
Little remarked has been the failure of 5 of the original 24 ObamaCare insurers in the past three weeks, bringing the total to 9 that have folded so far.
- Unremarked is the "secret" list HHS has and is refusing to release of 11 more that are on the brink of failure. Of course the billions upon billions of taxpayer money that has already been poured down this rathole is not discussed in polite Socialist-Communist circles (the MSM and the Regime).
The stick beatings, and the failures, will continue until the "success" of Obama's signature achievement is proved.

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