The MSM told America to celebrate that Friday's NFP combined with the unemployment rate dropping to 5.1% (a seven year low, btw) meant that the economy was getting better and Barry was doing an absolutely swell job!
- Don't believe it? Just ask Barry, or the BLS, or the FED.
The FED considers the ecoonomy to be at FULL EMPLOYMENT when the unemployment rate is between 5.0% and 5.3%.......never you mind that if you use actual numbers like John Williams of SGS does, the real, no sh*t, I kid you not, unemployment rate is 22.9%.
Does this chart showing the percentage of working-age Americans who actually have a job remotely "look" like full employment to you?
- It must at BLS where your paycheck depends on seeing it that way.
- Or, if you are absolutely stoned out of your gourd by the best drugs taxpayer money can buy.
Then there is the fairy tale about the recession being over for the last seven+ years...............
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