
Monday, 17 August 2015

'Whose' RA?....................from Rico

Barry boy-Marxist, yet again bypassing and end-running Congress has directed the US Treasury to implement a 'new' retirement scam to 'help' Americans retire.
- You can go to and read all about it for yourself.
It really does sound great. "Simple, safe, free. Backed by the US Treasury and carries no risk of losing money. Your money is 'invested' in a special Treasury Security." [read: IOU]
- If you are delusional enough to think that another bloated, inefficient government bureaucracy is going to 'help' you, then ignore:
-- that the promised interest runs about one-third the current real inflation rate (meaning you're guaranteed to 'lose' money annually),
-- that the "full faith and credit" of a bankrupt debtor government that lies about everything is like trusting J. Wellington Wimpy to 'gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today (while hoping Tuesday never comes, and in the case of the USG will remove 'Tuesday' from the week before giving any money back),
-- that if you loan a serial deadbeat money, you're a sucker to think you'll get it back.
This adds a new dimension to the spine-chilling phrase "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help" namely via the implicit part that goes: "I'm here to help myself to your money."
- MyRA does NOT mean your money, the ownership part (the "my") belongs to the government. Once you fork the cash over YOUR money becomes THEIRS, and in return you get "for your own good, safety, and security" a worthless 'promise' (fingers crossed) from a bankrupt government.
Would a 'broke' government stoop so low as to steal money from its own citizens? Take their life savings to fund its own spendthrift ways?
- Nawwwwwww...say it ain't so Sparky!
That's exactly what the citizens of Argentina in 2000 said, and the Portuguese in 2010, the French and Irish in 2011, the Polish in 2013, the Cypriots in 2014, and the Venezuelans in 2015.
- Standby, you're next.
When 'push' comes to 'shove' the government is not the people's "friend" and it won't hesitate to shove the people right over the edge to save itself.

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