
Monday, 24 August 2015

Monday or Black Monday?...................from Rico

Without writing a book here, what we have been seeing unfold is a global economic collapse.
- When everything is "connected" (globalized) something like this is harder to contain and localize.
1. China started 'melting' 2-3 weeks ago.
2. Container shipping rates from China to Europe coincidentally are down 60% in three weeks.
3. Sunday's market in Saudi Arabia (aka the Magic Kingdom), which is the largest in the region and the best performing....until now....just 'melted' dropping 7% today, and is down 30% from 12 months ago.
- The UAE markets (Dubai, et al) all shed around 5% today.
4. We'll 'see' how Europe goes before the NYSE opens, but considering that last Thurs-Fri in the US was a market crash larger than ANY 1-day crash the US has seen in its history, begs the question: absent a miracle 'stick save' by the Plunge Protection Team will Monday just be another Monday, or will it be another Black Monday?
5. The almost 900 point plunge in the DJIA end of last week is sure to cause substantial "margin calls" beginning Monday morning. People will be forced to sell to cover margins, and it will not have anything to do with whether they are scared, 'want' to sell or not. They will HAVE to sell.
- If you remember 1987's Black Monday, you have to be wondering if 2015 isn't about to get one of its own?

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