Wednesday 1 July 2015

Greek Tragedy - A Metaphor!...from TPC

After reading this metaphor for the mess that is Greece, please let me know your thoughts on whether it accurately tells the story.

Read at LI here.

1 comment:

Mark Matis said...

I would only note that the EU knew full well what the Greek financial situation was, yet they aggressively ENCOURAGED them to join anyway. Furthermore, Greece is one of the choice "destinations" for the EU "immigration" policy, which welcomes anyone from Ragheadland with open arms and assures them of financial freedom for life. Along with the right to behead anyone who looks cross-eyed at a picture of Moe's Ham Head. Dontcha wonder just how much THAT policy is costing Greece today?

Greece did fine before the EU. Once they are able to get rid of the leeches, they will do fine again. And if they upset the EU apple cart, indeed, the One World Government apple cart, in the process, what's not to like???