Tuesday 30 June 2015

Rocket Explosion is Big Blow to SpaceX Commercial Flight Program


See, "SpaceX Rocket Failure Raises Questions About Business of Commercial Space Flight":

An unmanned SpaceX rocket carrying cargo to the International Space Station disintegrated over the Florida coast just two minutes after liftoff Sunday — the third major failure for America's commercial space industry in eight months.

The explosion was a blow to billionaire Elon Musk's SpaceX aerospace venture, which has shaken the global launch business in recent years by showing it can successfully fly rockets at a fraction of the price of other providers.

It was too early to determine what went wrong Sunday, but executives at the Hawthorne firm vowed to quickly pinpoint the problem. "We will identify the issue we experienced, fix it and get back to flight," Gwynne Shotwell, president of SpaceX, said at Sunday news conference.

The failure creates a challenge for NASA. It was the third cargo ship loaded with food, water and other supplies lost in less than a year.

"We expected … we would lose some vehicles," William Gerstenmaier, a NASA associate administrator, said at the news conference. "I didn't think we'd lose them all in a one-year time frame, but we have."


skybill said...

Hi Ya'll,
I "Remember!!! Yes I Can so Be it!! Just because I'm "Old" doesn't mean my Brain is dead!! back in the late 50's and early 60's "We" the "United States" was trying to get the early models of the "Atlas Rocket" to just "Go UP!!" Many, many Blew up on Launch or shortly there after!!!! Watched Alex Gifford on WDSU ch. 6 do the commentary along with the vid!! These Guys are going thru the same "Growing Pains!!!!"
5 Right and "CUT!!,"

Mark Matis said...

But "These Guys", skybill, have SEEN the lessons learned from those early rockets, and many other rockets since then. And they have ALREADY had several of their own "learning experiences" a few years ago. I wish them well, but they seem to be on the "save a buck" mentality that many are so fond of, using hardware NOT certified for the space environment to save a few bucks. There is a reason that some hardware is certified for space, and other hardware is not. That lesson has been learned REPEATEDLY. And anyone who insists on "learning for themselves" deserves what they will get.