
Monday, 8 June 2015

Obama's Jew Gets Razzed at NYC JPost Event.................from Dan Friedman

[At least a few Jews have finally awakened. When the leftwing Israeli rag, Haaretz, says Obama's "orthodox" Jewish catspaw, Jack Lew, was razzed at their recent JPost event in NYC, you know it must have been really bad! (Anyone know where I can find the video?) df], 07.06.15  
Jack Lew, who affirmed Obama’s commitment to Israel’s security, was handed one of the surliest receptions ever accorded to such a high-ranking administration official by a Jewish audience in the U.S.


G'Willie said...

The Video

G'Willie said...

Best part at the end when just after the host/moderator tells the crowd to be quite he says "I only ask that you listen to me as we listen to you"
Can you remember this administration ever listening to the concerns of Israel or the Jews? I can't.