Tuesday 30 June 2015

Keeping the 'lid' on......................from Rico

I had been 'wondering' if this would happen again. Sure looks like it did.
- With Greece collapsing and threatening the collapse of the ECB that dumped their taxpayer's money into a bottomless pit....not Greece btw, but the Euro Banks that needed bailing-out and got the lion's share of the money which did not in fact ever 'go' to Greece, what else could be done? Trying to keep the 'lid' on a boiling pot, is what.
Rising prices Gold and Silver are the 'proof' that the financial system is failing, so to maintain the lie they must be stepped on. Heavily.
When Cyprus went TU, the 'wise guys' used it as an opportunity to suppress Gold and Silver spot prices while everyone was distracted.
- Same deal now. While Greece is going Tango Uniform and everyone is 'distracted' we see Gold and Silver being monkey-hammered aain.
Sure, it does seem counterintuitive. In light of an epic banking-fiat 'fail' the value of Gold and ilver should be rising, right?
- Well, they would and should, but when there are no markets but only manipulations and interventions that cannot be 'allowed' to happen. Instead we see the maxim "never let a good crisis go to waste" in play.
Simon Black said it very succinctly, and for Keynesians to understand it better, one can substitute 'bankers' for 'governments' to get clarity on the latest financial sideshow that is getting ready to come to your town: 
    "When governments find themselves in financial trouble because of the stupid decisions that they've made, their first response is to award themselves even more power to make even stupider decisions."
This is, of course, right after the Juenckerism "When things get serious, lie."

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