There will NOT be any meaningful "reform" of the corrupt financial system.
- Period.
- Because, at least from the financial world's perspective, they have the best government money can buy............for the Muppets, well, not so much.
It's not an accident, or a coincidence, that a person can get elected to Congress and with a low six-figure salary come out of Congress a millionaire or multi-millionaire.
- They are bought and paid for. Handsomely paid by special interests.
Unless things change, nothing will ever get "better" for everyone else.
- Everyone else being the real 99% who are not in on the corrupt game.
535 people selected randomly from a telephone book would be more honest, do a better job, and actually improve the lives of Americans....if there were consequences for graft and corruption.
- No, I'm not suggesting jail, but [rope + tree] suggest itself strongly..........
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