Because QE, ZIRP, and NIRP were not only NOT enough, but NOT the right things to do, and because there aren't any more gimmicks left in the Keynesian bag of fake magic tricks, the financial system is crumbling.
- Well, there is one last grand and futile gesture to make.
The increasing Keynesian calls for a ban on cash, and a shift to a cashless society, is making Grandma Clinton unhappy.
- Very unhappy.
She hasn't yet cornered the cash market, and too much of what she does requires the anonymity of vast amounts of cash.
- The phony 'straw man' arguments that cash reduces the influence of Central Banks and gets in the way of their solving economic problems rings hollow to her normally tone-deaf ears.
To central planners, a cashless society would solve ALL of their problems (ignoring that they created the problems) by allowing governments to control who spends what, and when.
- Eliminating currency and forcing people to use a debit card linked to a government-controlled bank account for all transactions makes the statists lives much easier, if not the common man's.
Why reform the financial system when you can grab more power and control?
- Goodbye business cycle. Hello central planning.
Welcome to the special hybrid Hell of a fused Keynes-Big Brother state.

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