Thursday 2 April 2015

The Future: No Hollywood Endings Dan Friedman

...there are two things I want to tell you at this pivotal moment in history:
1. There’s no turning back. This country is headed for a “Constitutional crisis” – a showdown between Obama, Congress and the American people. One that will make Watergate seem like the White Sox scandal. I wish I could, but I can’t tell you at this point who I think will win. Only that it will be a knock-down, drag-out affair winner-take-all, and America - and the world - will never be the same.
2. The people of Israel and its government need to understand the import of what’s transpiring in America, set aside all their soothing notions, and plan accordingly as if they were alone. Presently, Israel has no allies in the White House or most European capitals, and Israel won't have any friends until the dust settles on the internal struggle in the USA. I was hoping Netanyahu & Co. would have realized all that the day Obama showed them the back door after Netanyahu’s first visit to Obama in March 2010. They didn’t. But now, aside from suicide (Heaven forbid!), the Jewish state has run out of options. It must act accordingly with prudence, sound thinking, a strong hand and the willingness to use it. Israel and the Jewish people must never forget they are the lynchpin of history and the world rests on its shoulders.
NB: I am not a prophet or a sage, far from it. But today’s circumstances were preordained. They’re simply reoccurrences of primal events that have already transpired in the Torah - such as Exodus which we will be reading again in a few days’ time.
Chag Pesach sameach!

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