
Thursday 16 April 2015

Real as wrestling.................from Rico

I've said it before, but it bears repeating. Often.
There are NO markets anymore, only interventions.
- Central Bank interventions.
After all, 'what does it matter' that we have a staged and fake Hitlery election campaign, when the entire economy is now completely 'rigged' and phony?
- Actually, professional wrestling* is now more "real" than the financial 'news' from an FTV media complex that dutifully regurgitates fraudulent and bogus government statistics.
The FED's Vice Chair Fischer spoke moments ago, and voila!
- Exactly on cue, there was a "spook the mooks" moment.
Bond yields spiked [read: scared stupid] and both Gold and Silver were beaten bloody by an avalanche of paper from the 'wise guys' [read: naked shorts].
The "message" being sent?
- "Everything is fine. Wonderful. We have this under control [read: until we don't]."
*I can see how the FAKE wrestling match between Jeb Bush and Hitlery Clinton is a distraction from reality, starting with the reality that there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE between these two crime families, their policies, or their intentions...but that's a discussion for another time.

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