Friday 3 April 2015

Now What! Dammit!.....................from Dan Friedman

[Right now Obama is running amok and no one in America seems to have the will to stop him. That leaves Netanyahu, Israel, and the Jews to act the spoilers of Obama’s fiendish schemes. If they want to play that role they’ll have to play it on an empty stage in an empty theater. Israel’s friends in Congress will not fly Israel’s planes for them. That’s the turning point in history we’ve just reached at this moment. Obama has shown us his hand and now we must show him ours. The time for bluffing is over. df]

1 comment:

TheBigHenry said...

How exactly can anyone in America, or anywhere else in the world, stop Obama from running amok? Please give a specific example.

How exactly can any people or nation "act the spoilers of Obama's fiendish schemes"? Please give a specific example.

When has anybody (other than an IAF pilot) flown an Israeli plane for Israel?

Please describe the "hand" we are holding; be specific.

What bluffing? Be specific.

Your rant about Obama's treachery is just an empty rant, albeit your anger is justified. Nevertheless, what exactly do you have in mind for action against Obama's so-called "deal" with Iran?