This makes absolutely PERFECT sense if you are a "progressive" [read: Marxist, Communist, Democrat, ad nauseum].
Terrorism ISN'T so long as it is done by a 'protected' class like Muslims.
Thug behavior ISN'T so long as it is done by a 'protected' class like Eric dickHolder's "my people."
Illegal immigration ISN'T so long as it is done by a 'protected' class like anyone who wants to come here like Foreign Nationals, Drug Cartel and Gang members, criminals from anywhere, the sick-lame-and lazy....providing they are all undocumented Democratic (C) voters.
BUT....if you believe in the Constitution, are a Veteran or a COP who swore an oath to defend that Constitution, have a job and pay Taxes to support the free-loaders....then YOU are a PROBLEM for the current regime, and they will not be stopping at using the IRS to punish you, they are now training troops to occupy the country.
- Get ready to board the train for the re-education camps, comrades. There you will learn the error of your ways, how you are guilty of thought crimes whether you know it or not, and failing mindful of Obama mentor Bill Ayre's thoughts that >25% of you are so beyond redemption that you will have to be eliminated.

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