Wednesday 8 April 2015

Israel: Of Jews, By Jews, For Jews....................from Dan Friedman

[A Jew qua Jew doesn’t eat the same food, drink the same wine, wear the same clothes, observe the same holidays, or have the same relationship with G-d as anyone else on the planet. Thus, a Jewish state qua Jewish state is not reckoned by the same yardsticks as other nations - including the so-called liberal democracies which are fast-becoming less democratic. Israel’s historic mission is to make its exceptionalism into a shield from its enemies and a blessing for all others. We’re getting closer to that goal, but we’re not there yet. Maybe it will happen some time in the future, if and when Obama leaves office. df], 04/07/2015
“The Afula municipal park is a public facility that serves the residents of the city and its environs, and so the public is asked to refrain from bringing hametz into it during the holiday."

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