Friday 3 April 2015

Iceland going "Viking" on the bankers.................from Rico

Remember how Iceland was the ONLY Western country to actually put bankers in jail for their part in the last financial crisis there?
Well, those same people have just gone full Viking on the bankers now, and this had got to be worrying the banksters system wide. A proposal commissioned by Iceland's PM titled "Monetary Reform - A Better Monetary System for Iceland" spells things out.
Iceland is proposing that the creation of money AND the decision how that money should be spent remain with Iceland and NOT the banks by forbidding the commercial banks there from 'creating' money by issuing credit [read: debt] as they see fit, and beyond government control.
The idea is simple:
- Banks are to manage accounts and payments between savers and borrowers-lenders.
- Banks are not there for risk-taking or speculation [read: gambling].

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