Tuesday 24 March 2015

HUGE success story....................from Rico

A little over six months ago, actually last September, congenital liar and Community Organizer Barry What's-his-name claimed that the US strategy to fight terrorism in Yemen had been a "success"....so successful in fact, that it should be used to defeat ISIS.
- It is now March.
Since then, with the able assistance of Jon Carry as SecState (who halped):
- The US embassy has been closed.
- The Marines were disarmed and evacuated by orders from the State Dept.
- And the last 100 special forces troops (Navy SEALs and Army Delta Force) have just been withdrawn because the situation is swirling the porcelain bowl.
HUGE success boys, that is IF this was the intended goal all along you Musloid toadies................

1 comment:

drew458 said...

Don't forget the half billion in US supplied arms that will now fall into terrorist hands.

Horry Clap, not only is Obama the best gun salesman in American history, he's the best arms procurer any terrorist group ever had.