Thursday 19 March 2015

FIAT (debt) death rattles..........................from Rico

Negative interest rates are the first glimpse of the destruction of fiat currencies due to imploding economies.
- Fiat currency is not a store of value, but a representation of the strength of its respective economy. As an economy declines, so does the value of its currency. [Zimbabwe, Weimar]
Anyone nearing retirement, or with large cash holdings, risks losing value as we head into an extended "low growth-negative growth" environment.
- Holding cash (any fiat) to 'preserve wealth' is not an option anymore. Fiat currency loses purchasing power even with zero inflation. Now think NIRP.
B-b-b-b-b-but the Dollar! The rise of the Dollar +25% in the last 6-9 months is not just 'unusual' it is FED-induced.
- There has been NO instance in the past thirty years where the Dollar has risen over 25% in 6-9 months like this.
Like everything else in the US today, the USDX has been manipulated, rigged, and is FAKE.
-BLS unemployment data showing 5.5%, the 2014 official inflation rate of 1.7%, ad nauseum).
Globally, broke nations follow Krugman's advice that solving their debt problems by getting further into debt is somehow the solution

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