It's crystal clear by now that the professional "progressive" apologists (media, politicians, professors) for Islamic terrorism are playing the Germanwings Airbus mass-murder by Muslim convert and copilot Andreas Lubitz as the 'random' act of a 'mentally unstable' person.....and NOT Islamic terrorism.
Anything BUT the truth is what we are all being fed.
- Yeah, media allegations of links to SSRI drugs, psychiatric treatment, depression, unfit for work, blah-blah-blah already abound. The powers that would continue to be are "searching" for clues and reasons.
The only remaining thing is for Barry to make a statement that this was the 'random act' of a mentally unbalanced' individual and had nothing to do with religion, Islamic terrorism, or jihad. Maybe his teleprompter will even call it 'workplace violence' like it did for the Ft. Hood Muslim shooter?
- Then you can be 100% certain that the Jihadikazee WAS motivated by Islam.
Look for leftist attacks against those who have been opposing Islam and who have been warning about the dangers of Islam to ratchet up.
- The "religion of peace" lie and mantra will be trotted out as well.
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