Wednesday 7 January 2015

Paris: 3 steps and a question...................from M Kohl

Step 1:  Never cease to stress the paramount importance of a multi-cultural, diverse, tolerant society as the one and only way towards the future.  Be politically correct, always and at all times.  Continue to emphasize the high importance of harmonious co-existence with the 'Religion of Peace'.  Conduct a policy of strong appeasement towards Islam. Silence any opposing views, ostracize their advocates.
Step 2:  Wake up. Face reality (yes, it's a nightmare).  Accept the consequences.
Step 3:  Conduct a 'Lessons Learned' session and re-evaluate your attitude and your behaviour (see 1.)  However, I doubt this will happen.
Question:  Who is next?  When is it our turn in Germany?  Whose turn is it then?  
Only recently the thousands of PEGIDA* demonstrators were labeled 'racist' by the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel; just for daring to show their concerns about the future of our nation.  
The German Minister of Interior announced this evening that he has ordered the YouTube video of the Paris bloodbath to be deleted in order 'not to heat up the situation'.
"If you surrender liberty to gain more security you deserve neither"
Yours aye,
Martin K. 
* PEGIDA = Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamic Subversion of the Occident

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