By Alan Caruba
As usual, those for whom laws, ethics,
and good will mean nothing have come together to try to ruin Christmas for the
rest of us.
Christmas means different things to
different people and depends to a large degree on age. For the young it is a
magical time of getting gifts. As one grows older it is a time of giving gifts
and sending cards. And for the very old who have outlived many family members
and friends, it is tinged with sadness. In between is an orgy of advertising
using Santa Claus to sell cars and much else.
I will begin with a fulsome
condemnation of those who go to court or raise a cry about the presence of
Christmas displays or any religious symbol on “public land.” The Constitution
does not forbid this. It forbids “the
establishment of religion” which was understood to mean laws that made a
particular religion a state religion such as the Church of England that exists
today. The fact that some courts today do not understand this does not change
the meaning or intent of the Constitution.
Christmas 2014, it must be said, is
fraught with all manner of threats to our society and our nation.
After several weeks of portraying
police as the problem, two of them were assassinated as payback for the deaths
of a Ferguson, Missouri thug and a Staten Island petty thief. Insanely some
people marched in the streets shouting that they wanted “More dead cops.” From
the President and his “advisor” Al Sharpton, the Attorney General, and even the
Mayor of New York, the message was that the police are the enemy.
It is
progressives—Communists—who are the enemy. Welcome to the 1950s all over
Obama and Holder have been ginning up
racial division since they took office. It casts a pall over a nation that
prides itself on having a BLACK President, a BLACK Attorney General, and a
legion of BLACKS who have worked hard to achieve success in public service and
the private sector.
All this may strike some as strange
given the outcome of the recent midterm elections in which the Republican Party
won 54 of the Senate’s 100 seats, expanded its majority in the House, and now
have 31 governors because the voters what real CHANGE. Will they get it? Sadly,
Americans are beginning to think that there is a third party, the Government
Party, composed of those in Washington, DC for whom our demands hold little
merit while they toil to make government bigger. I hope the GOP proves me wrong
in 2015.
Another sad feature of American
politics these days is the fact that it is owned by two families, the Bushes and
the Clintons. America is a Republic, not a monarchy. Something is terribly wrong
when both parties have no one else to offer than Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton,
members of two political families that have been around since the 1970s. Enough
is enough!
There is no question among those of us
old enough to remember when America had a set of beliefs, some spiritual, some
secular, that held our society together for the good of all. One of those was
the belief that marriage was between a man and a woman. It has been that way for
thousands of years, yet for Americans in 35 states “marriage” is now something
between members of the same sex. I
doubt, too, that you have read that the FDA has taken a first step to lift the
ban prohibiting gay men from donating blood because of the high incidence of
AIDS among them.
The same destruction of society can be
found in the movement to legalize marijuana. It is a dangerous drug.
Beyond our shores, the nation has
always had its enemies. They are more often than not nations who grant no
freedom to their own citizens. The most recent example is North Korea and, for a
variety of complicated and interrelated reasons (China!) the U.S. has been
unable to respond with strength to its nuclear threats. The hacking of Sony
Pictures was an act of cyber war, not “vandalism” as the President would have
you believe. The threats that accompanied it made that clear.
The irony of our immigration problem
is that America is still regarded with such high esteem that many want to come
and live here. Some want it bad enough to sneak in. We now have several million
illegal aliens living among us and both political parties do not see them has
having broken the laws of our nation, but as potential new voters! That’s crazy
and it’s dangerous when a President makes it known that he doesn’t think our
borders must be defended. We have immigration laws for the same reason every
other nation does and they must be enforced.
The hotspot in the world is the Middle
East. Does anyone find it ironic that the “Prince of peace” was born in a
nation, Israel, that much of the rest of the world wants to destroy? I find that
depressing. The Arabs, supported by Europe and the Obama administration, are
trying to get the U.N. to declare that the “Palestinians” are a state or nation.
Only there has never been a Palestinian nation, a term invented by Roman Emperor
Hadrian for the land 3,000 years of history records as Israel.
When you add in the butchery and
slaughter of the Islamic State, you have everything you need to know about
Islam; those who believe in cutting off the heads of Americans and others
because they are unbelievers—infidels—need to be destroyed down to the last man.
Add in al Qaeda and Boko Haram, and you have more enemies of mankind. There are
over a billion Muslims and an estimated ten percent support the “holy war.”
That’s a hundred million people and that’s a lot of
About the only good news is the way
their dependence on oil has displayed the weakness of nations like the Russian
Federation and Venezuela, among others. These nations have failed to develop a
viable private sector. Cuba, dependent for years on Soviet support and then
Venezuelan, both Communist, just scored a coup when President Obama granted it
U.S. diplomatic recognition.
How many more Christmases will the
world celebrate before we understand that Communism is a threat to mankind?
There’s still too much of it in the world. It has found a home in the White
America has celebrated Christmas in
the midst of two world wars in the last century and a score of lesser wars. We
are a resilient people. We are reviving an economy that suffered a great
financial crisis in 2008 thanks to bad government policies regarding mortgages
and housing. The bad news is that those policies have been reinstated.
My Christmas will pass like the last
77 have. I wish it were a happier one.
© Alan Caruba, 2014
1 comment:
I will begin with a fulsome condemnation of those who go to court or raise a cry about the presence of Christmas displays or any religious symbol on “public land.” The Constitution does not forbid this. It forbids “the establishment of religion” which was understood to mean laws that made a particular religion a state religion such as the Church of England that exists today."
This analysis isn't entirely correct. Well, good as far as it goes, but.....
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, ..." The Federal government may not interfere with the "Established Churches" - i.e., the OFFICIAL STATE CHURCHES - that were already in place in 9 of the states. For example, Maryland was officially Catholic, and a couple were officially Church of England. The STATES could have "estabished churches", but the Feds were banned from promoting one or banning one - or preventing one.
Once upon a time, the "official" "longest English word" was "antidisestablishmentarianism". Look it up.
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