
Tuesday, 9 December 2014

NYT: Muslims Will Be Like Reform Jews...................from Dan Friedman

[There is already more than enough garbage orbiting the Internet. That's one reason I seldom pivot off the NYT, and rarer still that I go after their village idiot and "foreign policy expert." But today I decided to make an exception since St. Thomas has written a naïve, self-incriminating rant about the evil influence ISIS is having on the regular Ismails of the "religion of peace."
Above anything Thomas Friedman wants to be “trendy.” He may not have invented the Internet, but he sure can tell us in advance the cool ways it will be used in the future. No wonder he sells himself as a big thinker who can spot the emerging trends in the Middle East before anyone else. Sunday, Friedman tripped over himself again. He says barbaric ISIS is setting a poor example and driving right-thinking Muslims away from Islam – and sparking a healthy debate on "social media" and the Internet in the process. (Oddly enough, he eagerly cites a long quote from an Islamist who has converted to Christianity, but Friedman can’t understand it torpedoes his entire premise.) You’d be forgiven if this all sounds like the euphoria emitted by the MSM after Morsi drove out Mubarak during a revolution supposedly led by tech-savvy young Egyptians, or at least the ones with a Facebook page. We know how long that lasted.
So this one goes out to the dwindling few who still take T. Friedman seriously. Or anyone else who could use a good laugh. df]
New York Times, DEC. 6, 2014

Thomas L. Friedman

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