
Thursday, 4 December 2014

Let Us Rise in Opposition to the Republocrat Party

Fresh on the heels of the Republican election victory I am once again pondering America’s need for a new political party. Part of this is due to the fact that even before taking the reins of the new power they’ve been giving, the GOP leadership is negotiating surrender to the Democrats, but that is something we’ve come to expect. As we watch the slow but steady merger of the Democrat and Republican parties the desperate need for an opposition party becomes increasingly obvious. Despite the need however, the same obstacles that have stymied the emergence of a viable third party remain; primarily the entirely reasonable fear that any organization intended to compete with the GOP for voters would only result in a permanent Democrat hold on power. The challenge is to create third party that would draw support from both parties, something the Libertarian Party has attempted to do with only limited success largely due, in my opinion, to the fact that the Libertarians have embraced ideas that appeal to many in both camps and policies that alienate just as many. There is perhaps, a better way.              (continue reading)

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